In an efforet to expand our offerings to the discerning capsuleers out there we have put our artistic and mechanical skills to work producing Kustom or "Hot Rod" ships.
I am happy to report that out first official commision for "Joe's Kustom Frig8 Garage" was for none other than the legendary Kane Rizzel.
I had a talk with Kane as to what he was looking for in a ship.
The convo boiled down to a fairly simple brief;
"A distinctive T1 killing machine that will hurt you when you look at it."
We finally arrived at a chopped Rifter with modified "corpse-catcher" intakes, extra engines and additional spikes for boosted sensors as well as looking mean.
Once we had the overall concept worked out production began in earnest. It was a long process creating the Kane Rizzel Rifter. Once the mechanical and body work was done, engines tested and weapon mounts reinforced we moved on to porting and polishing the autcannon's firing and feed systems. The most daunting task came with the paint job for this Old School killing machine.
I'm happy with how it turned out and proud that our newest creation graces the header of Kane's excellent EVE online blog. A Pirate's Perspective.
Truly Beautiful :)